(Se Habla Espanol)
This Inspection is mainly to help make sellers aware of deficiencies, maintenance items, safety items and repair items they may want to have addressed before selling their house. This is identical to the main type of inspection we do for buyers. This inspection adheres the requirements of the Texas Real Estate Commission (TREC) guidelines published as the "Standards of Practice" for licensed inspectors.
This inspection is to verify that all Structural, Mechanical, Electrical, and Plumbing systems are installed and operating as intended including, but not limited to:
• Full home inspection--- meeting or exceeding all requirements of the
Standards of Practice as delineated by the Texas Real Estate Commission
(TREC) - link to standards (here)
• Inspect the Structure including: Foundation, Grading and Drainage, Roof
Covering, Roof Structure and Attic, Walls (interior and exterior), Ceilings and
Floors, Doors, Windows, Fireplace/Chimney, Porches, Decks, Driveways,
• Inspect Electrical Systems including: Service Entrance & Panels, Branch
Circuits, Outlets, Switches, Fixtures, Disconnects, GFCI's
• Inspect Heating, Venting and Air Conditioning Systems, Ducts and other items
which may affect your energy use efficiency-saving you money.
• Inspect Water Supply System, Fixtures, Drains, Wastes Vents,
and Water Heating Equipment.
• Inspect built in Appliances, and other Optional Systems
• Inspect for Safety Devices and Maintenance practices
This inspection is the type of inspections that is done when we are asked to do an "inspection". We can only tell you what we can see, touch, or test. We cannot see through concrete or walls. When you buy a completed house, whether "New" or "Used", this is the only type inspection that can be accomplished without destruction of the composition (e.g.drywall, concrete, etc.) that obstructs our vision.
Some of Our Services & Features You Will Find Valuable.
• We have Full capabilities to facilitate inspections for out of town clients
• “Easy to Read” Computerized Reports sent via email, print, or both; your choice.
• Digital Color Pictures with Every Report
• Dependable Home Construction & Inspection Experience
• Prompt, Friendly Service With An Eye For Detail
• LATEST AVAILABLE inspection equipment and tools are utilized
• Free Client “walk through” to personally explain our findings